• (519) 742-4281
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Individual Registration

Informed Consent, Assumption of Risk and Concussion Awareness

All non-members participating in on-ice activities at the KW Granite Curling Club must provide an acknowledgement that they understand the risks inherent in this activity.

Please review the documents linked below.

When you click PROCESS REGISTRATION, it is your acknowledgement that you have read and understand the risks for you or a minor.

  1. Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk Agreement ADULTS
  2. Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk Agreement YOUTH
  3. Rowan's Law - Concussion Safety

Member Login

Upcoming Events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Phone (519) 742-4281

General Inquiries - [email protected]
General Manager - John Thomas
Pro shop - [email protected]


99 Seagram Drive
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3B6


Club Hours

Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: By Appointment
Club Hours
Based on Curling Schedules
Social Meeting Area As Scheduled

For appointments, call 519-742-4281 or email [email protected]

Member Login