• (519) 742-4281
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Spare Policy and Fee

Summary of Spare Rules & Fees 2023-24

Full day members sparing during day leagues AND may spare approximately 5 times/season in evening leagues
Full evening members unlimited sparing for all leagues
Day limited members unlimited sparing for all day leagues
Evening limited members    unlimited sparing for all evening leagues

Spare Fee: Non-club members sparing in any league $25.00 / game

FULL-TIME DAY MEMBER – person/s who paid a Full Time Daytime Membership Rate, to the K-W Granite Curling Club as defined within the K-W Granite Curling Club. By Laws Section 3 (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) & (vi).

LIMITED MEMBER – person/s who paid a Limited Membership (Daytime or Adult) Rate, to the K-W Granite Curling Club as defined within the K-W Granite Curling Club. By Laws Section 3 (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) & (vi).

OUTSIDE CLUB SPARES – a person(s) who has not paid a fee to curl in any rental or regular league within the K-W Granite Curling Club

Policy Statement

Limited members are permitted to spare in other leagues without charge within their day or evening category.

All spare fees to be remitted prior to the start of the game or within 1 hour of the completion of their game either to on-duty lounge staff, or General Manager. Any inquiry regarding membership status shall be directed to the General Manager and/or the VP of Curling.

The Policy shall be administered by the General Manager, VP Curling and all league conveners.

  1. Payment of a Full-Time Adult Membership entitles the member to curl and spare in any daytime or evening league
  2. Payment of Full-Time Daytime Membership entitles the member to curl or spare in any daytime leagues they qualify to play in AND approximately 5 times/season in evening leagues
  3. Payment of Limited Adult Membership entitles the member to curl in the league of their choosing, and spare unlimited in that specific league. They can also spare in any other evening leagues that they would qualify for
  4. Payment of Limited Daytime Membership entitles the member to curl in the league of their choosing, and spare unlimited in that specific league. They can also spare in any other daytime leagues that they would qualify for
  5. Non K-W Granite curlers / members may be invited to spare in our leagues from time to time. Payment of the $25.00 spare fee, and signing of a waiver prior to play at our club are mandatory prior to the person setting foot on our ice. Payment and forms are available at the bar


Any member found in default of the spare rule and requirements will forfeit the game played and be charged for the spare fee.

Member Login

Upcoming Events

No events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Phone (519) 742-4281

General Inquiries - [email protected]
General Manager - John Thomas
Pro shop - [email protected]


99 Seagram Drive
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3B6


Club Hours

Office Hours
Family Day
Feb 17, 2025
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: By Appointment
Club Hours
Based on Curling Schedules
Social Meeting Area As Scheduled

For appointments, call 519-742-4281 or email [email protected]

Member Login